Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hope Deferred...

Proverbs 13:12

New Living Translation (NLT)
12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
    but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

deferredpast participle, past tense of de·fer (Verb)

  1. Put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.
  2. Submit humbly to (a person or a person's wishes or qualities): "he deferred to Tim's superior knowledge".


postponed or delayed.
suspended or withheld for or until a certain time or event: a deferred payment; deferred taxes.

Hope deferred: put off. When my hope is put off Jesus and placed on temporal things my heart is sick. Sick with longing for something that this world cannot offer or fulfill. Something that only my Beloved can give me. When I'm looking at gaining my fulfillment in what I do, what someone can do for me, what I think others want from me, my heart is sick. My heart longs for something other-worldly, something eternal and heavenly that I cannot attain or realize here.
Hope deferred: postponed. When my hope is postponed from the One who loves me, my heart longs for Him. When I'm seeking to find Him in the places that we've been together without seeking to find where He's gone to, my heart is sick. Sick with longing for Home. Sick with trying to carry the weight of figuring things out. Sick with trying to make it here without His help. 
Hope deferred: withheld. When my hope is withheld, by my own misunderstandings of things spoken, things not spoken, things assumed, my heart is sick. When hope is withheld because the time isn't here for the promise then my heart is sick because I must wait and my human mind and heart don't understand His timing or His delay. My heart longs for His return with all that is within me and yet my hope is deferred.
BUT a dream fulfilled is a tree of life...
There will be a day, it will come quicker than we think, it will come, it is promised, when my hope will be fulfilled. On that day my heart will soar as I get to look upon Him in all His splendor, and until that day, my heart will carry the cry of one who is heartsick for the one whom I love with all my being...